Sunday, February 10, 2013

Everything is Music

"Everything we do is music."
~John Cage

 During the fall while I was living in Florence, I was struck by just how noisy the street outside my window was. I felt like I could hear everything: cars and mopeds passing by, intimate conversations and raucous arguments being had, church bells ringing, drunk people vomiting in the alleyway, ext. One evening, I decided to try and record it all. I took about a five minute sample of sound from my open window, and stashed it away for the rest of the term, not anticipating how well that sound clip would fit into this latest Digital Processes assignment. Below is a link to my Soundcloud page, where I mixed two versions of the same clip, one ambient, and one dancey. 

The view from the window I subsequently recorded from


  1. The dance version of Italian soundscape sounded incredibly European. I totally dig it.

  2. I agree with Rose this is very well done. It sounds very dancy with a great beat. I love it.

  3. These two versions of your piece sounded great! I really enjoyed the remix version, it sounded quite professional, but the ambient version was just as neat - really gave me the feeling of being there! Great job.

  4. I love the incooperation of Italian and the drum beats and the disco effect! Italian just works perfect!
    I understood a bit italian, so i recognized it when I first listen to it, but I think for those who dont know the language it would just be even cooler!

  5. I loved the second version. (For obvious reasons) Your manipulations were ridiculously awesome, and overall it was super fun.
